Thursday, April 5, 2012

Homeless issues - Food

At the shelter we were at, we were not allowed to bring any food or drink into the shelter.. ALL food was donated by Churches.. each week a Church, or Churches cook foods at home, then bring them in and they serve us. 

When you have dietary needs we are at the mercy at the volunteers.. I am a diabetic, so most often than not, I was not eating very well.. I AM however grateful for the food. just wish there was more foods for a diabetic. 

 In the hotel I was at, I was not able to get a room with a kitchenette, so again I was not eating too well.. lots of sandwhiches, some salad, and rarely any hot meals.. my blood sugar has risen and its frustrating..I did have fruits and some veggies.. just not alot of protein, and honestly probably too much bread.. lol

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